Shaun the MPI

This is Shaun, a 1998 MPI owned by Bianca and also the "little brother" of FAX

While the work on FAX was still in process in 2010, Bianca the wife of Bobo decided to buy her own Mini. So various cars were checked and "Shaun" was bought, a 1998 Cooper with MPI engine and 12" minilite wheels. Plan was to restore the car to a high quality level, without doing the same effort than on FAX. All the work was done with help of Frank, Faxe and Stephan, thanx a lot guys!!!

Shaun was built to Bianca prefered specifications.

He stayed on 12", and was painted in Charcoal with a light grey metallic roof.

Together with the restored Cooper leather seats and the walnut dash this mini gives a smooth ride in combination with Bilstein shock absorbers and added sun roof.

Shaun, the 1998 MPI Cooper was bought in dobious condition. From technical side of view, engine seemed to be OK with a total mileage of 75000mls but was extremely oily everywhere. Passenger side front brake was not working. The gearbox was very fine without any noise while shifting. Bodywork showed heavy rust on both sills, front window frame, boot floor corner, and of of course some minor rust spots on front end, doors and rear quarters. Rear subframe was in horrible condittion and was replaced.

Overall, Shaun's condition was OK, for the price Bianca paid. The time of Mini- bargains is definitely over.

See the photo documentation of the work done on Shaun to convert him from a rusty MPI into a high level summer runner for Bianca.

Any comments are welcome.


Shaun's Restauration


